
Diary #271 Broken Glasses

It’s Tuesday evening, and I’ve just broken my glasses. 

Now I’m stuck wearing a 20-year-old pair, that is slightly bent. According to my son, I look terrible. It will be strange going to the office tomorrow.


Wednesday morning comes, and I pre-emptively tell my colleagues what has happened, before they wonder why I look so odd. But later when others arrive, I am already immersed in work with no time to explain. I feel self-conscious but what can I do.  Naturally they are taken aback, thinking why is he doing this to himself, but politely don’t’ say anything.


The same goes with everyone I meet in the coming days.


…Or does it? In-fact, it turns out that some have not even noticed. The are too wrapped-up in their own world... as I am in mine.


Ahh it’s tiring being self-important. And refreshing to realise that generally people don’t’ give a sh1t about my glasses.



Author: JD

Image by bluemoonjools from Pixabay


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